Eggplant Juicer
Traditionally Used For
- Colds
- Fighting Free Radicals
- Improving Blood Flow
- Lowering Blood Cholesterol
- Lowering Cholesterol In Atery Walls
- Lowering Cholesterol In The Aortas
- Regulating Blood Pressure
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
A Good Source Of
- Copper
- Folate
- Magnesium
- Manganese
- Niacin
- Potassium
- Thiamine (Vitamin B1)
- Vitamin P
Freshness Test
Eggplants are best harvested between August and October. Eggplants should have a glossy skin and many of them are purple in color. Once cut open, the fleshy part of the eggplant should be spongy with an off–white color.
If you are growing your own eggplant, don't be surprised if you find a worm or two in the eggplant.
In France, eggplants are known as aubergine.
Eggplants can range in color from purple to white.
Chinese Herbal Information
Energy: cool
5 Elements: earth
5 Flavors: sweet
General Information:
It is said that eggplant can help relieve mushroom poisoning.
Eggplant helps to nourish the blood and qi and contains a balance of yin and yang energy although it has a slight cooling effect.
Studies in China have found that due to the Vitamin P content found in eggplant that this vegetable is helpful for those with arteriosclerosis. The study also found that the elderly in China are less likely to suffer from bleeding than those in western countries.
Chinese varities of eggplant tend to be longer and thinner than western varities. Chinese varities of eggplants also tend to be less bitter than western varities which tend to be shorter and more plump.
A traditional home remedy for stomatitis (inflammation of the mucous lining of any of the structures in the mouth) is to bake some fresh eggplant until it appears as dark as charcoal but still normal inside. Mix with honey and then chew like chewing gum.
Another Chinese home remedy is to soak corns in eggplant juice. This helps to soften the corn before removing it.
Cautions & Suggestions:
Nothing to report.
- Blood Discharge in Anus
- Discharge of Urine Containing Blood
- Dysentery with Discharge of Blood
- Ulcerations of Skin and Gums
Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies That You Might Like
I have personally been using herbal and homeopathic remedies with great success since 1992. So like me, you might find that in addition to juicing, the following herbal and/or homeopathic remedies may be beneficial in helping you achieve greater and better health.
→ Don't see the right remedy for you? View a wide selection of more herbal and homeopathic remedies for various health concerns.
- Breathe Easy ComboPack for Pets
Homeopathic medicine AmazaPet for wheezing and chest discomfort and Homeopathic medicine Respo-K for colds and respiratory irritation in pets.
Picture of Eggplant

The peel of this white–fruited eggplant lacks anthocyanin pigments that give many eggplants their purple to black color.
Photo by Peggy Greb.
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Eggplant — Nutritional Analysis
- Nutrient
- Units
- Value / 100 g
- Proximates
- Water
- g
- 92.41
- Energy
- kcal
- 24
- Energy
- kJ
- 102
- Protein
- g
- 1.01
- Total lipid (fat)
- g
- 0.19
- Ash
- g
- 0.70
- Carbohydrate, by difference
- g
- 5.70
- Fiber, total dietary
- g
- 3.4
- Sugars, total
- g
- 2.35
- Minerals
- Calcium, Ca
- mg
- 9
- Iron, Fe
- mg
- 0.24
- Magnesium, Mg
- mg
- 14
- Phosphorus, P
- mg
- 25
- Potassium, K
- mg
- 230
- Sodium, Na
- mg
- 2
- Zinc, Zn
- mg
- 0.16
- Copper, Cu
- mg
- 0.082
- Manganese, Mn
- mg
- 0.250
- Selenium, Se
- mcg
- 0.3
- Vitamins
- Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid
- mg
- 2.2
- Thiamin
- mg
- 0.039
- Riboflavin
- mg
- 0.037
- Niacin
- mg
- 0.649
- Pantothenic acid
- mg
- 0.281
- Vitamin B-6
- mg
- 0.084
- Folate, total
- mcg
- 22
- Folic acid
- mcg
- 0
- Folate, food
- mcg
- 22
- Folate, DFE
- mcg_DFE
- 22
- Choline, total
- mg
- 6.9
- Vitamin B-12
- mcg
- 0.00
- Vitamin B-12, added
- mcg
- 0.00
- Vitamin A, RAE
- mcg_RAE
- 1
- Retinol
- mcg
- 0
- Carotene, beta
- mcg
- 16
- Carotene, alpha
- mcg
- 0
- Cryptoxanthin, beta
- mcg
- 0
- Vitamin A, IU
- IU
- 27
- Lycopene
- mcg
- 0
- Lutein + zeaxanthin
- mcg
- 0
- Vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol)
- mg
- 0.30
- Vitamin E, added
- mg
- 0.00
- Vitamin K (phylloquinone)
- mcg
- 3.5
- Lipids
- Fatty acids, total saturated
- g
- 0.034
- 4:0
- g
- 0.000
- 6:0
- g
- 0.000
- 8:0
- g
- 0.000
- 10:0
- g
- 0.000
- 12:0
- g
- 0.000
- 14:0
- g
- 0.000
- 16:0
- g
- 0.025
- 18:0
- g
- 0.009
- Fatty acids, total monounsaturated
- g
- 0.016
- 16:1 undifferentiated
- g
- 0.002
- 18:1 undifferentiated
- g
- 0.014
- 20:1
- g
- 0.000
- 22:1 undifferentiated
- g
- 0.000
- Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated
- g
- 0.076
- 18:2 undifferentiated
- g
- 0.063
- 18:3 undifferentiated
- g
- 0.013
- 18:4
- g
- 0.000
- 20:4 undifferentiated
- g
- 0.000
- 20:5 n-3
- g
- 0.000
- 22:5 n-3
- g
- 0.000
- 22:6 n-3
- g
- 0.000
- Cholesterol
- mg
- 0
- Phytosterols
- mg
- 7
- Amino acids
- Tryptophan
- g
- 0.009
- Threonine
- g
- 0.037
- Isoleucine
- g
- 0.045
- Leucine
- g
- 0.064
- Lysine
- g
- 0.047
- Methionine
- g
- 0.011
- Cystine
- g
- 0.006
- Phenylalanine
- g
- 0.043
- Tyrosine
- g
- 0.027
- Valine
- g
- 0.053
- Arginine
- g
- 0.057
- Histidine
- g
- 0.023
- Alanine
- g
- 0.051
- Aspartic acid
- g
- 0.164
- Glutamic acid
- g
- 0.186
- Glycine
- g
- 0.041
- Proline
- g
- 0.043
- Serine
- g
- 0.042
- Other
- Alcohol, ethyl
- g
- 0.0
- Caffeine
- mg
- 0
- Theobromine
- mg
- 0
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Unlike flow yoga
, each pose in pure or traditional hatha yoga is held for a few minutes. While holding the pose, you focus the mind on the stretch. When you focus the mind, that's when you find silence.
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If you want to learn pure hatha yoga, now you can by following Jesse on a series of hatha yoga routines.
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